mercoledì 28 novembre 2012

We-Love-You (post di Sany)

YES to Palestine
Their freedom is our freedom
Palestine independence, 29 nov 2012
העצמאות שלהם היא העצמאות שלנו

poster by: SANY

Tomorrow the UN gone vote for the recognition of Palestine as a country member
A vast majority of the world as already say YES.
Sadly, the government of Israel is gone vote against.

Me, my family , my friends and lots of Israelis think that Israel should have welcome Palestine, so even if our government says no, we say YES, and we welcome you

On 29 November 1947, the General Assembly of the UN vote for the creation of my country, Israel. It was a day of hope and joy

On 29 November 2012, the General Assembly of the UN will for for the recognition of Palstine as a country, and be sure, it will be a day of hope and joy, in Palestine and in Israel

In the 29 of Nov Mahmoud Abbas will ask the UN to recognize Palestine as a country
This is A chance to make history, to take a big step forward, to choose PEACE

After years of bloodshed it s an opportunity for peace.
Imagine the whole UN
voting "yes"
Imagine Israel voting "yes"
why not…

The land is already divided. Israelis live in Israel, Palestinians in Palestine.
Palestine is de-facto a country, and It is only a matter of time until it gets recognized.
We should be part of it. It makes sense.

Legitimize Israel position and show that we are ready for peace, that we are part of the solution. Put us in a position where we can start talk.

It will give P.M. Abbas credit, it will give him power and recognition, it will give the people in Palestine hope.

The moment Israel and Palestine start talking, the moment Palestine is recognized, it will weaken the Hamas, and other extremist organization who dream of wiping Israel off the map. …they loose all relevance

With recognition will come support from Europe, the USA, Russia….stability, money, business…good times (we may even win the eurovision again)

It s a new start for both sides
It s a restart for the whole region.
It can be the beginning of a new era. It can open the door for normalization with Israel's neighbors… Lebanon, Egypt, …..Iran?

Imagine the joy of the people in Israel and Palestine on a day like that….
most of the people want peace,
it's up to us.

On nov 29 ask Israel and the world to vote "yes"


stand with us for "yes"
send your picture at
Their freedom is our freedom
Palestine independence, 29 nov 2012
העצמאות שלהם היא העצמאות שלנו

poster by: SANY

Tomorrow the UN gone vote for the recognition of Palestine as a country member
A vast majority of the world as already say YES.
Sadly, the government of Israel is gone vote against.

Me, my family , my friends and lots of Israelis think that Israel should have welcome Palestine, so even if our government says no, we say YES, and we welcome you

On 29 November 1947, the General Assembly of the UN vote for the creation of my country, Israel. It was a day of hope and joy

On 29 November 2012, the General Assembly of the UN will for for the recognition of Palstine as a country, and be sure, it will be a day of hope and joy, in Palestine and in Israel

In the 29 of Nov Mahmoud Abbas will ask the UN to recognize Palestine as a country
This is A chance to make history, to take a big step forward, to choose PEACE

After years of bloodshed it s an opportunity for peace.
Imagine the whole UN
voting "yes"
Imagine Israel voting "yes"
why not…

The land is already divided. Israelis live in Israel, Palestinians in Palestine.
Palestine is de-facto a country, and It is only a matter of time until it gets recognized.
We should be part of it. It makes sense.

Legitimize Israel position and show that we are ready for peace, that we are part of the solution. Put us in a position where we can start talk.

It will give P.M. Abbas credit, it will give him power and recognition, it will give the people in Palestine hope.

The moment Israel and Palestine start talking, the moment Palestine is recognized, it will weaken the Hamas, and other extremist organization who dream of wiping Israel off the map. …they loose all relevance

With recognition will come support from Europe, the USA, Russia….stability, money, business…good times (we may even win the eurovision again)

It s a new start for both sides
It s a restart for the whole region.
It can be the beginning of a new era. It can open the door for normalization with Israel's neighbors… Lebanon, Egypt, …..Iran?

Imagine the joy of the people in Israel and Palestine on a day like that….
most of the people want peace,
it's up to us.

On nov 29 ask Israel and the world to vote "yes"


stand with us for "yes"
send your picture at

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